APIs Documents

Welcome to reach out ourself. We are giving you unlimited APIs request. We don't send any limitations. You can use it free. We invite you to work with us and make it fast and smooth. We share the project with everyone. If you want to contribute on the git, copy the git and push to us which you solve.

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Get location for single IP at once request

                        const requestOptions = {
                            method: "GET",
                            redirect: "follow"
                          fetch("https://ip.team71.link/public/", requestOptions)
                            .then((response) => response.json())
                            .then((result) => console.log(result))
                            .catch((error) => console.error(error));

You need to chnage the IP in the link. It is a get request. You can check the request with browser or Postman.

The response of it will be:

                            "statusCode": 200,
                            "data": {
                                "ip_from": "",
                                "ip_to": "",
                                "ip": "",
                                "country_code": "PH",
                                "country": "Philippines",
                                "region_name": "National Capital Region",
                                "city_name": "Quezon City",
                                "timezone": "+08:00",
                            "message": "Successfully found IP details",
                            "error": false

Here, If request is successfully done then statusCode: 200 every request or it will statusCode: 400 or statusCode: 500. If you get any error message will show the reason.

Get list of IPs data

                        const myHeaders = new Headers();
                        myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

                        const raw = JSON.stringify({
                            "list": [

                        const requestOptions = {
                            method: "GET",
                            headers: myHeaders,
                            body: raw,
                            redirect: "follow"

                        fetch("https://ip.team71.link/public/multi-ip", requestOptions)
                        .then((response) => response.json())
                        .then((result) => console.log(result))
                        .catch((error) => console.error(error));

The list length can't be more then 100 and every element must be a string.

The response of it will be:

                            "statusCode": 200,
                            "data": [
                                    "ip_from": "",
                                    "ip_to": "",
                                    "ip": "",
                                    "country_code": "US",
                                    "country": "United States of America",
                                    "region_name": "New York",
                                    "city_name": "New York City",
                                    "timezone": "-05:00",
                                    "ip_from": "",
                                    "ip_to": "",
                                    "ip": "",
                                    "country_code": "US",
                                    "country": "United States of America",
                                    "region_name": "New York",
                                    "city_name": "Ithaca",
                                    "timezone": "-05:00",
                            "message": "Successfully found IP details",
                            "error": false